Category: Music


Sometime Around Midnight.

Today, I’m sitting around thinking about time. In our day, of course, time fell wanking to the floor, but was nevertheless on our side. Now it seems to gallop by. In horse racing terms,...


Moped Lads

I’m not sure that I’m supposed to give away what future shows in the Radio Four series ‘The Completists‘ are actually about… but here’s some oblique clues as to the subject of the next...


Kick out Your Dad, Mother figure.

14 years ago this very night I met my legendary partner in crime Christopher Charles Ambler in the bar of The Yorkshire House in Lancaster. He came up to me and said, ‘You’re the...


A Load of Sunday Night Night Music

One of the things I like about writing non-fiction is that it is easier to deal with coincidences than it is when you’re writing fiction. Coincidence does exist in fiction, of course, but you...


Still ill…

No one here is busting out with good health. My wife has the remains of a month long earth-shaking cough, my step-daughter has had Winter Vomiting Virus, and been off school all day, and...


Sod The Lot

At the start of the election, I decided to blog something every day. And somehow, I’ve managed it, thus far. And most days I’ve managed to get riled up enough to have something to...


Seems quite simple to me…

For the longest time, I’ve been a supporter of the Green Party. Sometimes I’ve paid my subs, and sometimes not. Sometimes I’ve been active, and sometimes (usually, if I’m honest), I’ve been supine. But...


Sod it again

Another Sunday, and another set of psephological puzzles. Cleggy has come out and said that the Lib Dems wouldn’t support keeping Gordon in No. 10 if the New Party got the lowest number of...



Here’s a little thing that might help. I’d be interested to know how people got on… all comments published, as ever. And if you think a blog should be longer than just one link,...


The Sun Says….

“I don’t want him running my country and I don’t want him deciding who the prime minister is,” says former Sun editor Kelvin McKenzie, of Nick Clegg. Well, that’s lovely. The Sun loved Blair...


Oh, sod it…

…after all, Sunday Night is supposed to be Music Night here on Radio Free Radnorshire. I was going to blog a rant about the inequity of a voting system that might see the New...


A True Star, a Wizard.

Here I am, back In Presteigne after a quick visit to that London with my boyfs to see Todd Rundgren perform his 1973 masterpiece album ‘A Wizard, A True Star,’ which is, at least...

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