Goodbye Pie Fans, but then very soon, Hello New Book Enthusiasts
First of all, a note on football. I did not finish Ian’s Big Fat FA Cup Challenge. You might imagine that it wasn’t that demanding a fundraiser, but in the end, it was. En...
First of all, a note on football. I did not finish Ian’s Big Fat FA Cup Challenge. You might imagine that it wasn’t that demanding a fundraiser, but in the end, it was. En...
Available Here! In 2007, having moved back to Radnorshire after 17 years away, ten of them in Lancaster, I got a call from an old schoolpal of my daughters, asking if I’d like to...
Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe, sickened by 2016, resolved to do something, anything. The thing they resolved to do was visit all of the UK’s stations over the spring and summer of 2017, and...
Last night, Friday night, my wife and I came back to Radnorshire from Brussels, via the Eurostar. I’d never been to Brussels before, and I guess I wasn’t quite prepared for how odd a...
Now, here’s a thing. That great man Cosmic Smiles has posted the whole of the ‘Apocalypse Weekend’ Sheep Music feature film on You Tube. I wrote most of the ‘script’. The crew had been...
I loved the televised debate, me, but then I’m a political anorak, so I would. Like everyone, I thought Cleggy was the winner, though I thought My Little David did best on body language,...
Well, I guess it has to be addressed; is it feasible that somebody read ‘The Longest Crawl’ and then projected the idea onto the hilarious duo? Well; yes it is. Even the graphics showing...
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