Books read and referred to.
Ackroyd, Peter – Albion (Chatto and Windus, 2002)
Addison, Joseph ed. Joseph Meek– The DeCoverley Papers (Dent, 1920)
Armstrong, J.R. – A History of Sussex (Phillimore, 1974)
Ashley, Maurice – The English Civil War (Sutton, 1990)
Ashton, T.S. – An Economic History of England, the Eighteenth Century (Michael Joseph 1954)
Awty, Brian G. – Adventure in Iron (Wealden Iron Research Group, 2019)
Belloc, Hilaire – The Old Road (Constable, 1911)
Berry, Sue – Georgian Brighton (Phillimore, 2005)
Birley, Derek – A Social History of Cricket (Aurum, 1999)
Blake, Robert – The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher (Fontana, 1985)
Boswell, James – The Life of Samuel Johnson (Everyman ed. 1906)
Bower, Anthony (ed) – A Fine Day in Hurstpierpoint: The Diary of Thomas Marchant 1714-1728 (Hurst History Study Group, 2005)
Braudel, Fernand – Civilisation and Capitalism, Vol 1; the Structures of Everyday Life (Harper Collins, 1981)
Brent, Colin and Judith – Danny House, a Sussex Mansion Through Seven Centuries (Phillimore 2019)
Brewer, John – The Pleasures of the Imagination (Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1997)
Brooke, Iris and Laver, James – English Costume in the Eighteenth Century (A&C Black, 1931)
Brooke, John Hedley – Science and Religion (Cambridge University Press, 1991)
Calmette, Joseph, – The Golden Age of Burgundy ( Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962)
Carr, Helen, and Lipscomb, Suzannah – What is History Now? (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2021)
Chaplain, Jonathan – Beyond Establishment (SCM Press 2022)
Christian, David – Maps of Time (University of California Press, 2005)
Clark, George – The Later Stuarts (2nd ed) (Oxford University Press, 1961)
Colgate, E.J – The Power and the Poverty, Life in a Sussex Village, 1790-1850 (George Man Publications, 2008)
Colley, Linda – Britons (Yale, 1992)
Collins, Shirley – All In The Downs (Strange Attractor, 2018)
Copper, Bob – Bob Copper’s Sussex (S.B. Publications 1997)
Crocker, Glenys and Alan – Damnable Inventions (Surrey Industrial History Group, 2000)
Cross, F.L. and Livingstone, E.A – The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 2nd ed. (OUP 1974)
Dale, Anthony – The History and Architecture of Brighton (Bredon and Heginbotham, 1950)
Defoe, Daniel – A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain (pub. 1724-1726. I used the 2 vol. Everyman edition, J.M. Dent, 1962)
Dillon. Patrick – The Much Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (Review 2002)
Ditchfield, P.H. – The Old English Country Squire (Methuen & Co, 1912)
Doncaster, Islay – Elizabethan and Jacobean Home Life (Longman, 1960)
Drummond, J.C. and Wilbraham, Anne – The Englishman’s Food (Cape, 1939)
Durbach, Nadya – Bodily Matters, the Anti-Vaccination Movement in England 1853-1907 (Duke University Press, 2005)
Ekrich, A. Roger – At Day’s Close (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2005)
Ernle, Rowland Prothero – English Farming, Past and Present (Longmans, Green and Co.,1919)
Fagan, Brian – The Little Ice Age (Basic Books, 2000)
Figgis, John Neville – The Divine Right of Kings (Cambridge University Press 1914)
Fleet, Charles – Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex (Farncombe and Co., Lewes, 1882)
Flint, Nick – Walking Backwards With Belloc (Country Books, 2014)
Gaunt, Peter – The English Civil War, a Military History (I.B. Tauris 2014)
Gray, James (ed) – Victorian and Edwardian Sussex from old photographs (Batsford 1973)
Gribbin, John – Science, a History (Allen Lane, 2002)
Grieve, Hilda E.P. – Examples of English Handwriting 1150-1750 (Essex Record Office Publications, 3rd imp 1966)
Griffith, Jay – Pip Pip (Flamingo, 2000)
Guy, John, – Tudor England (Oxford University Press 1988)
Halsband, Robert – The Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Oxford University Press, 1956)
Harman, Graham – Object Oriented Ontology (Pelican 2018)
Harris, Alexandra – Time and Place (Little Toller 2019)
Hartley, Dorothy – Made in England (Methuen, 1951)
– Food in England (Macdonald, 1954)
– The Countryman’s England 2nd ed, – (Batsford, 1942)
-Water in England (Macdonalds 1964)
-The Land of England (Macdonald 1979)
Haydon, Peter – Beer and Britannia (Sutton, 2000)
Hecht, J. Jean – The Domestic Servant Class in Eighteenth Century England (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956)
Hey, David, (ed.) – Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (OUP 1996)
Hill, Christopher – The Century of Revolution (Van Nosterand Reinhold, 1961)
Hodgkinson, Jeremy – The Wealden Iron Industry (The History Press, 2008)
Hoppit, Julian – A Land of Liberty? England 1689-1727 (Oxford University Press, 2000)
Huizinga, J – The Waning of the Middle Ages (1924, Penguin ed. 1971)
Hunter, Michael – The Decline of Magic (Yale, 2020)
Illich, Ivan – Tools for Conviviality (Calder and Boyers, 1973)
Ivanovic, Ruza – Lecture notes (unpublished)
Jennings, Humphrey – Pandemonium (Icon Books, 2012)
Kenyon, G.H. – The Glass Industry of the Weald (Leicester University Press, 1967)
Keynes, Geoffrey – The Bibliography of John Ray (Faber and Faber, 1951)
King James Bible (1611. Mine was published by Collins, and given to me for Christmas in 1965, when I was seven, by my darling Aunty Joyce. In the 4000+ library that I struggle to stay on top of it, it is number 0001, the first thing I still have. I also used her Book of Common Prayer (1662), which I inherited on her death. It was given to her when she retired from service in 1969 by her employer, Sir Harold Scott, previously Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. She had been his housekeeper for over 20 years).
King, Peter – The Development of the English Economy to 1750 (Macdonald and Evans, 1971)
Kipling, Rudyard- Puck of Pooks Hill (First published 1906. I used the Penguin Popular Classic edition)
Krznaric, Roman – The Good Ancestor (WH Allen, 2020)
Kynaston, David – The City of London, Vol. 1 (Chatto & Windus 1994)
Lacquer, Thomas W. – The Work of the Dead (Princeton, 2015)
Lenman, Bruce – The Jacobite Risings in Britain, 1689-1746 (Eyre Methuen 1980)
Loukes, Andrew (ed.) – William Blake in Sussex: Visions of Albion (National Trust, 2018)
Lucas, E.V. – Highways and Byways in Sussex (Macmillan, 1919)
Marchant, Ian – The Longest Crawl (Bloomsbury 2006)
– Something of the Night (Simon & Schuster 2012)
Marchant, W.T. – In Praise of Ale (George Redway, 1880)
Mason, Stephen – A History of the Sciences (Macmillan, 1956)
Massingham, H.J., English Downland (Batsford 1936)
Mathias, Peter – The First Industrial Nation (Methuen, 1969)
McCann, Timothy – Sussex Cricket in the Eighteenth Century (Sussex Record Society, Vol. 88, 2004)
McLaughlin, Terence – Coprophilia (Cassell, 1971)
Mee, Arthur – The King’s England, Sussex, (Hodder, 1937)
Middleton, Niamh M. – Homo Lapsus (Deep River Books, 2018)
Mingay G.E. (ed) – The Rural Idyll (Routledge, 1989)
Monod, Paul Kleber – Jacobitism and the Engliah People, 1688-1788 (CUP 1993)
Moorman, J.R.H. A History of the Church in England (A&C Black, 1953)
Mountfield, David – The Coaching Age (Robert Hale 1976)
Musgrave, Clifford – Life in Brighton (Faber and Faber, 1970)
Nairn, Ian and Pevsner, Nikolaus – The Buildings of England, Sussex (Penguin 1965)
O’Gorman, Frank – The Long Eighteenth Century (Arnold, 1997)
Ohler, Norbert – The Medieval Traveller (Boydell Press, 1989)
Orme, Nicholas – Going to Church in Medieval England ( Yale University Press, 2021)
Parish, Rev. W.D. ed. Hall, Helena- A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect (published 1875 by Farncombe and Co., Lewes, reprinted by Gardners of Bexhill, 1957)
Plumb, J.H. – England in the Eighteenth Century (Pelican, 1950)
Porter, Roy – Flesh in the Age of Reason (Allen Lane, 2003)
– The Greatest Benefit to Mankind ( Harper Collins, 1999)
Purkiss, Diane – The English Civil War, a People’s History (Harper Press, 2006)
Quenell, Marjorie and C.H.B. – Everyday Things in England, Vol. 2, 4th ed. (Batsford 1950)
Rackham, Oliver – The History of the Countryside (Dent, 1986)
– Trees and Woodland in the British Landscape ( Weidenfeld and Nicholson 2020)
Raven, Charles – John Ray, Naturalist, his Life and Works (Cambridge University Press, 1950)
Ray, John – A Collection of Words not generally used (‘printed at the Golden Ball for Tho. Burrell’ 1673. POD reproduction 18th Century Collections Online)
– A Collection of English Proverbs (1st ed. 1670, but I used the copy in the library at Trinity St. Davids Library in Llambed, 5th ed. George Cowie and Co., 1813)
‘RB’ – Admirable Curiosities Rarities And Wonders in England Scotland and Wales (‘printed for Nathaniel Crouch at the Bell in Poultry nr Cheapside’ 1697.) This is the oldest thing in The Old Grammarye, which was itself almost 200 years old when this book was printed. I bought it on Ebay years ago, because I thought RB might be Robert Burton, the Anatomy of Melancholy man – which, of course, he isn’t.
Roberts, R.G. – The Place Names of Sussex (Cambridge University Press, 1914)
Robinson, Kim Stanley – Aurora (Orbit, 2015)
Rodway, Avril – A Literary Herbal (Hutchinson 1980)
Roud, Steve – Folk Song in England (Faber and Faber, 2017)
Sarti, Raffaella – Europe at Home (Yale, 2002)
Schumacher, E.F. – Small is Beautiful (Blond and Briggs 1973)
Sharpe, J.A. – Early Modern England, a Social History (Edward Arnold,1987)
Simpson, Jacqueline – The Folklore of Sussex (Batsford, 1973)
Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher – Inglorious Revolution (Hamish Hamilton, 1971)
Sitwell, Edith – Alexander Pope (Penguin 1948)
Smith, David Nichol – Characters from the Histories and Memoirs of the Seventeenth Century (Oxford University Press, 1918)
Spencer, Charles – To Catch a King (William Collins, 2017)
Standing, Guy – The Plunder of the Commons (Pelican 2019)
Stone, Lawrence – Family, Sex and Marriage (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1977)
Straker, Ernest – Wealden Iron (G.Bell and Sons, 1931)
Strutt, Joseph – The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 2nd ed. 1801 (Firecrest Publishing, 1969)
Sumption, Jonathan – Trial by Battle, 100 Years War Vol 1 – (Faber. 1990)
Szechi, Daniel – 1715. The Great Jacobite Rebellion (Yale University Press, 2006)
Thomas, Keith – Religion and the Decline of Magic ( Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1971)
– In Pursuit of Civility (Yale University Press, 2020)
Thomas-Stanford, Charles – Sussex in the Great War and Interregnum 1642-1660 (The Chiswick Press, 1910, POD reproduction by Alpha Editions 2019)
Thompson, EP – The Making of the English Working Class (Gollancz, 1963)
-Customs in Common (The New Press, 1993)
Tree, Isabella – Wilding (Picador 2018)
Trevelyan, George Macaulay – England Under Queen Anne, vol 3, The Peace and the Protesetant Succession (Longmans, 1934)
Underdown, David – Start of Play, Cricket and Culture in Eighteenth Century England (Allen Lane, 2000)
Van Loo, Bart – The Burgundians (Head of Zeus, 2021)
Vickery, Amanda – Behind Closed Doors (Yale, 2009)
– The Gentleman’s Daughter (Yale, 1999)
Vine, P.A.L. – London’s Lost Route to the Sea (David and Charles 1965)
Waln, Nora – The House of Exile (The Cresset Press, 1933)
Weatherill, Lorna – Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain 1660-1760 (Routledge, 1988)
Willett, Jo – The Pioneering Life of Mary Wortley Montagu (Pen and Sword 2021)
Williams, Basil – The Whig Supremacy, 2nd ed. (OUP 1960)
Wilson, Violet A, The Coaching Era (Bodley Head, 1922)
Wrightson, Keith – English Society 1580-1680 (Routledge, 2003)
Woodforde, James (ed. John Beresford) – The Diary of a Country Parson, 1758-1802 (World’s Classic Edition, OUP, 1935)
Wortley Montagu, Mary – Letters (Everyman 1992)
Xiaowei Wang– Blockchain Chicken Farm (FSG/Logic 2020)
Young, Rob – Electric Eden (Faber and Faber 2011)
Because I work outside the ‘academy’, and was banned from sitting in academic libraries by COVID-19, it was difficult to get access to journals. These were smuggled out from behind the Jstor paywall by one of the dedicatees, except for the Craig Muldrew paper, which he kindly sent me himself. The Turner Diary extracts I’d copied myself before the first lockdown.
Licensed Mountebanks in Britain
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Vol. 19, No. 1 (January, 1964), pp. 30-45 (18 pages)
Published By: Oxford University Press
John Ray (1627-1705) and the Act of Uniformity 1662
Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
Vol. 54, No. 2 (May, 2000), pp. 153-178 (26 pages)
Published By: Royal Society
Transculturation and Politics in the Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900
Vol. 53, No. 3, Restoration and Eighteenth Century (SUMMER 2013), pp. 623-641 (19 pages)
Interpreting the Market: The Ethics of Credit and Community Relations in Early Modern England
Social History,
Vol 18. No. 2 (May 1993) pp 163-183
pub by Taylor and Francis Ltd.
The Marchant Diary
Sussex Archeological Collections
Vol 25 (1873)
Published by Sussex Archeological Society
This is a quick overview of the internet resources that I used. The notes are a bit cursory, but I’ll revisit them over the next few days and week; some sites ’embed’, and some don’t, but everything is pretty much here.
The problem with sharing links in this way is that they break over time, as I’ve learned from ‘A Hero For High Times’. But I, or the inestimable Paul ‘Perry Venus’ Williams, will drop by now and then to see if they still work.
The main website we used for the family tree was
Academics moan about Wikipedia, but I don’t know why. It’s not authorative, of course, but it’s very often a good place to start, even if it’s not the place where you want to end up. It’s like buskers; if you stand and listen, you need to drop a few pennies in the hat.
There are other great generalist sites, though, more focussed on the subject. I found this useful on the medieval stuff.
https://mittelzeit.blogspot.com/ and
Lots of useful early modern blogs on this one
More and more volumes of the amazing endeavour that is the Victoria County Histories are available online.
This is the entry for Hurst
And this for Rusper
Here be sites concerned with food and costume history;
18thC Clothing site
ditto, 17thc
Very good food history site
Recreating early modern transport routes
Interesting Georgian blog
Your general Hurst sites
Wealden Iron Stuff
Historical Geography of the Wealden Iron Industry by Mary Delany
A good site about early modern steel making
Build your own bloomery
Campion in the History of Pariament
Lantern clocks, by the wonderful kind Bill Bruce
And is this where Marchant’s clock resides?
article about saving the turtledove, with ref to Rusper and the Brit Pilg Trust
Stewart Brand project. I wanted to use their dating system, but common sense prevailed. There is still one instance though – write in if you spot it…
A useful article about why the Tragedy of the Commons isn’t true…
What the tories really think in the 21st C
Some Danny Stuff
Trying to find out what Thom read is hard, but this offers methodologies etc
Climate change stuff
On imagination-reason-narrative-psychology
Interesting stuff on the history of ‘landscape’
This will annoy people, esp Druids
Burgundian art
John Ray today
Useful site to distinguish various ‘class’ distinctions in early mod rural england
The original recording of T/dove
A fab site about the danse macabre. Sola Fides Sufficit
Sussex family history group wiki
Little Park
I used this currency converter
and this moon calender
Lucy B
Low Tech mag
turd feeding to fish
Horrible histories
Learning to write
paper and Shakey
venetian treacle
William Morris
coach crashes