Category: Books


Lumb Bank week in the snow.

Just back from a wonderful week tutoring an Arvon course at Lumb Bank, in the hills above Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire. All week, the snow stayed about a foot deep, until Friday night, when...


Novels and Kindle.

Hope springs eternal, especially in the hearts of mid-listers. This week my novels ‘In Southern Waters’ and ‘The Battle for Dole Acre’ are republished for the Kindle, and hope insists that maybe this time...


Something of the Night.

The new book is out. I’ve always done an introduction to the books, and posted them on this site; this is a first pass, really. I got the idea for a book about the...


The Zep and I

Never been that bothered about the Zep, and I could do with some advice from those who were down with the whole big-haired squeeky voiced cod-Crowleyian ting. In m’new book, ‘Something of the Night’,...


Putative tit rub

I was talking to my editor today about the proofs of ‘Something of The Night.’ ‘The proof reader,’ he said to me, ‘has an issue with the phrase ‘putative tit rub.’ ‘Oh?’ I said....


Time to get over it

Well, ‘Something of the Night’ has gone to the typesetters, so soon I’ll be correcting the proofs. From now on in the process, changes have to be kept to a minimum, so I’ve had...


Looking for Albert (and Kate)

It’s a funny old world, and no mistake. This week I sent out a call on Facebook for help in my quest to get in touch with Kate Bush. I’m a long time fan;...

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