Time to get over it

5 Responses

  1. Bill Riley says:

    Hello Ian
    I have just completed Parallel Lines – the first book of yours I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This partly because it brought back some happy memories.
    In, or around, 1954, when I was eleven, my mum gave me L T C Rolt’s book, Railway Adventure. A few years earlier we had had a holiday at Towyn and had travelled on the railway. I still have the book and have decided to re-read it.
    I agree with the majority of the opinions you expressed in your book – which, of course, helps.
    Thanks and best wishes.
    Bill Riley

  2. Dan says:

    Ian – by a spooky co-incidence I was reading a recent back copy of the Journal of the Friends of the National Railway Musuem (quite a learned magazine compared to some of the genre) a few days later – this had obviously been issued not long after the original Completists Broadcast.

    The letters page includes a letter from Mr Mitchell referring to the Broadcast and pointing out that whilst it had not been appropriate to mention it during the programme, he still required a few old Bradshaws and I think he listed them.

    If you seek to maintain a ‘completist’ collection of references to your broadcasts in print (or for any other reason) I’d happily send you the magazine now I’ve finished with it. Let me know an address if you’d like it (slightly presumptious of me to presume you don’t already subscribe of course).

  3. Ian Marchant says:

    Thanks a lot Dan. It was a huge pleasure and privelege to meet Mr Mitchell.

  4. Dan says:

    I managed to catch up with Radio 4’s Ian Marchant day – although I only managed ‘Off the Page’ last night – and very good it was too.

    Must say I enjoyed the Completists with Vic ‘Bradshaw’ Mitchell – a very good interveiw I must say – the man is (as some might say) ‘a legend’ – 2 books a month too – bet he does not worry too much about creative writing courses…I presume his Timetable collection took up quite a bit of space!

    More seriously enjoyed the re-run of the whole series actually – good stuff.

  5. Graham says:

    A very 1960’s style picture of winter there Ian. So, only six months or so to wait for the book?

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