Puch Maxi Moped, tit rub (or tit-rub), triple cooked chips.
Once again. I’ve been looking at the search terms whereby people find this site. Luckily, the most popular search term is Ian Marchant, and the various permutations thereof. But what fascinates me is the other stuff people come looking for.
People visit this site looking for things like information on where to find the pub sign painted by Dora Carrington, Chesterton’s road poems, and for black forest gateaux recipes. The most popular recipe, though, that people come looking for is how to do triple cooked chips. Don’t know, really, is my answer. I just like them, and have said so on this blog.
In third position is tit-rub. Or tit rub. This is because my blog appears in tenth place on Google search for tit rubbing. I can only apologise to those tit rub fans who have been sent here; really, I’d stick with the first nine.
Running me a very close second, though, is ‘Puch Maxi’. Moped buffs are clearly even shorter of useful information than the tit-rub gang. I’m sorry I have nothing to give you. I rode one for a few months back in the seventies, yeah? It didn’t go well, alright? Can we leave it there? I really don’t want to talk about it, if that’s OK. Some of my so-called ‘friends’ still dine out on their side-splitting stories of watching me ride the bastard, and I’ve just about had it.
I hope this nonsense stops, and that my readers enjoy this lovely festive picture of a computer squirting in a clown’s face.
Top work IQ!
Have to admit I had to experiment after your original reference to triple cooked chips and will now only cook them that way; they are indeed wonderful. Using a deep fat fryer and assuming 7/8 mm chips – 6 minutes at 160 degrees, remove chips and increase temp to 170, replace chips for 2 minutes, remove, increase temp to 180 then just before eating fry again for 1 minute. Tip immediately into serving bowl with kitchen towel at bottom – chuck in a tsp of salt & toss chips. The sound they make is the first clue to their quality.
My brain keeps trying to combine the three images…eating chips while sitting on a moped is the least troubling.
You do realise what kind of traffic the last sentence is going to attract dont you!
Have a great Christmas