My old Mum's habit, world peace, an end to crime, etc.
My old Mum is hanging out at present, and it’s not fun times for anybody. The doctor has said that her new knee is working fine, and so he’s taken her off the morphine...
My old Mum is hanging out at present, and it’s not fun times for anybody. The doctor has said that her new knee is working fine, and so he’s taken her off the morphine...
Chas is coming to Presteigne on Friday, because Your Dad are playing at a wedding near here. I love playing weddings; they give me an oppurtunity to behave as badly as I like, and...
Charlie is living with her old Dad at the moment, which is top, but we are both on our uppers, and I’m currently unable to afford the services of Rachel at LaundryToTu, the internet...
The first time I ever visited Northern Ireland was in 1996. I had come down the Mull of Kintyre by bus, and caught the now defunct ferry from Cambelltown to Ballycastle on the Antrim...
Hello! We are looking at my blog! …which was my shortest, and, I like to imagine, shittest post ever, outdoing by far the poll where I asked people to choose between Uriah Heep and...
Here I am, back in Northern Ireland, in the town slash Belfast suburb of Holywood. I’m blogging on my notebook outside The Coffee Yard, Holywood’s hottest coffee shop, which is making me feel quite...
I’ve been looking through some old stuff, and I found this little bit from what was part of my notes for The Fool’s Errand, which is my answer to ‘Smile’ or ‘The Teenage Opera’ ...
Well, after my protracted period of silence, here I am with blog three in five days. I’m on fire baby. And since it is, after all, Sunday night, I return to my slight habit...
After my close-ish shave with Hazel Blears earlier this year, (blogs passim), I was slightly concerned when I felt an almost infinitesimal but nonetheless discernable increase in my levels of respect for her. Her...
Hello to those that are left of my readers. I’m sorry I haven’t posted for a long time, but I’ve been in the midst of some important events in my life; events about which...
Monique came to stay on Sunday, after she had been the night before to a fellow tantrica’s Hen night in an 18th Century Vicarage outside Hereford. She wanted me to take her to a...
…they come out at night, har har. I thought it might be fun to have a whole bunch of teeth out on Tuesday, and the good people at the Dental Access Centre in Hereford...
This time last week, I was playing hard ball table quiz in the Holywood RFC, a few miles outside Belfast. The quiz had been set by the Philosophy Society from Sullivan School, which is...
I’ve not slept much these last 48 hours, what with one thing and another. I’m just back from Northern Ireland, and I have so much to write about, and so little useful brain activity,...
One of the most important characteristics a writer needs is the ability to be alone, to be happy in your own company. I’ve been writing all day (that is to say, the 24th February...
I’ve just got back from The Mayor of Presteigne’s Annual Fund Raising Sunday Lunch, where I had been asked to give a short after-dinner speech. I like doing this kind of thing, and I’m...
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