Category: Politics


Climate Change Sceptics Right!

No, but let’s imagine that they are. Let’s imagine, as Copenhagen comes shuddering to what promises to be an appalling anti-climax, that the tiny minority of scientists who don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change...


19 Cannabis Deaths per annum?

According to a table of drug harm accompanying a piece by the excellent Prof. David ‘Nut by name but not by nature’ Nutt in today’s Guardian (and I’m sorry, but this table hasn’t been...


Lick Spittle

After my close-ish shave with Hazel Blears earlier this year, (blogs passim), I was slightly concerned when I felt an almost infinitesimal but nonetheless discernable increase in my levels of respect for her. Her...


Blood and Soil

Hello to those that are left of my readers. I’m sorry I haven’t posted for a long time, but I’ve been in the midst of some important events in my life; events about which...


Calling Hazel Blears

Went down to that London again today, to do some more recording for the forthcoming Radio Four programme ‘On The Top Deck’. We went to interview a senior Labour MP in his office, who,...

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