Category: Politics

Climate Change Sceptics Right! 1

Climate Change Sceptics Right!

No, but let’s imagine that they are. Let’s imagine, as Copenhagen comes shuddering to what promises to be an appalling anti-climax, that the tiny minority of scientists who don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change...

19 Cannabis Deaths per annum? 2

19 Cannabis Deaths per annum?

According to a table of drug harm accompanying a piece by the excellent Prof. David ‘Nut by name but not by nature’ Nutt in today’s Guardian (and I’m sorry, but this table hasn’t been...

Lick Spittle 4

Lick Spittle

After my close-ish shave with Hazel Blears earlier this year, (blogs passim), I was slightly concerned when I felt an almost infinitesimal but nonetheless discernable increase in my levels of respect for her. Her...

Blood and Soil 8

Blood and Soil

Hello to those that are left of my readers. I’m sorry I haven’t posted for a long time, but I’ve been in the midst of some important events in my life; events about which...

Calling Hazel Blears 4

Calling Hazel Blears

Went down to that London again today, to do some more recording for the forthcoming Radio Four programme ‘On The Top Deck’. We went to interview a senior Labour MP in his office, who,...

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