A True Star, a Wizard.
Here I am, back In Presteigne after a quick visit to that London with my boyfs to see Todd Rundgren perform his 1973 masterpiece album ‘A Wizard, A True Star,’ which is, at least...
Here I am, back In Presteigne after a quick visit to that London with my boyfs to see Todd Rundgren perform his 1973 masterpiece album ‘A Wizard, A True Star,’ which is, at least...
Obituary No one knows why, But his shits were huge. They disappeared around the bend, And left a perky brown iceberg above the water line. Hotels dreaded his residence, All too often, his huge...
On a beautiful afternoon in September last year, my Beloved and I, together with her six year old daughter, strolled along a canalised section of the River Lagan in South Belfast to where one...
No, but let’s imagine that they are. Let’s imagine, as Copenhagen comes shuddering to what promises to be an appalling anti-climax, that the tiny minority of scientists who don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change...
I’m just coming up to a year of posting stuff (occasionally intermittantly, I admit); and in a week or so I’m over to Perry’s for a bit of a web-site zhoosh up, so the...
As I’m a guest on the Radio Four show ‘Off the Page’ today, it suddenly occured to me that I might, just might, get some increased traffic here, and that first time visitors might...
‘The Longest Crawl’ is being translated into Italian at the moment by a guy called Claudio, for publication in the spring. Every few days, Claudio sends me an e-mail, to ask about problems he...
I’ve just been to Norwich to visit Minnie at UEA. Sitting together on the top deck of the No.25 bus, heading into the city, Minnie listed the ways in which students are like primary...
I went all the way down to West Cork yesterday, to see a man about a dog. This man is a musician, and he played me White Mansions and The Legend of Jesse James,...
I guess I thought that The New Party might just shut the fuck up for the next few months until they are consigned to the dustbin of history, but no. The First Secretary of...
According to a table of drug harm accompanying a piece by the excellent Prof. David ‘Nut by name but not by nature’ Nutt in today’s Guardian (and I’m sorry, but this table hasn’t been...
I’ve just been to that London for a recording of the Radio Four series ‘Off The Page’, which is due for broadcast sometime in November. My fellow guests were the excellent Melissa Cole, and...
Please have a look at this You Tube clip promoting the idea of launch parties for Windows Seven, and then consider your answer to the poll. We will be forwarding the results to Microsoft....
Not really an entry, as such, but another link which I felt my readers must see… The Headhunters Railway Museum and Barbers Shop in Enniskillen. Who amongst you will be able to resist the...
One of the things that you can do on a WordPress blog is see which of the links that you post get clicks. To my horror, no one, exactly no one, has clicked on...
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