Not really an entry, as such, but another link which I felt my readers must see…
The Headhunters Railway Museum and Barbers Shop in Enniskillen. Who amongst you will be able to resist the temptation…
As their website says, ‘Whether you are a railway enthusiast, former railway employee or just a child brought up on ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’, why not combine your visit with a unique opportunity to have your hair professionally styled in the most nostalgic surroundings?’
Ah to be sure Ian and they throw in a mildly folksy soundtrack too. I’ve occasionally mused on the benefits and drawbacks of opening a small museum dedicated to showing the public the results of leaving a hungry cat in a closed room with twelve unsecured mamsters. I don’t really know how that would go down with the old folks’ sandwiches and tea.
I’ve just written a thrilling travelogue on my site. They let me into the USA!
Must dash, the hmasters are howling.
You’re right, I couldn’t resist. Wax figures are scary, aren’t they? -I miss the plaster horse at Bristol’s Industrial Museum (closed for pepping-up), whose plaster was flaking all over the place. And have you met AB Jack Tar, the scarily creaky animatronic guide to the Fleet Air Arm’s ‘Aircraft Carrier Experience’?
I found this while googling FAA Yeovilton. Seems mildly apposite for your place too.
Rather than examining the navy as a professional fighting organisation, this essay approaches the institution as one in which a range of masculine identities and lifestyles were constructed. From this perspective, its focus is on the material culture of naval uniform, and the function of uniform in defining and communicating particular understandings of class and masculinity. It demonstrates that the respective uniforms of various ranks associated their wearers with specific clusters of stereotyped socio-cultural qualities and characteristics, and indeed with substantially different incarnations of masculinity. The essay also relates the design of naval uniform to much wider class- and gender-related debates within British society during the period.