Author: Ian Marchant


Ras Tafari in Botolph St.Otto

              Spume has just sent me this photo of His Imperial Majesty Haille Selassie visiting Botolph St Otto in 1939. Spume is on the far right, aged 16...


New Specs

  Coming away from Secret Garden Party on the morning of  Monday 29th July  this year, more than a little fucked, I caught a train from Peterborough to Leeds. I’d bought a paper, so...


Mood Index album on You Tube

My lovely step-daughter, Miss Victoria Mason, has undertaken to upload the Mood Index album from 1997, ‘Lino Women and Song’ onto You Tube. This is the first track she did….  


Migraine and the sense of smell.

It’s good, I always think, to have a picture at the top of a blog post. I looked online for ‘migraine aura’, and found some excellent pictures which very accurately capture the experience; so...


Lumb Bank week in the snow.

Just back from a wonderful week tutoring an Arvon course at Lumb Bank, in the hills above Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire. All week, the snow stayed about a foot deep, until Friday night, when...


What I am wearing

My hair shaven short, by design, though shaped by cruel circumstance. One of two pairs of bespoke Anglo-American spectacles, each identical in shape, but different in colour; a black frame for distance, and a...

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