Author: Ian Marchant

Putative tit rub 14

Putative tit rub

I was talking to my editor today about the proofs of ‘Something of The Night.’ ‘The proof reader,’ he said to me, ‘has an issue with the phrase ‘putative tit rub.’ ‘Oh?’ I said....

This is the moment 1

This is the moment

For as long as anyone can remember, your educated liberal middle classes, of whom I guess I am a member, have despised the red tops (and the Mail and Express). They manipulate the news...


I’ve had my chips

The combination of our first wedding anniversary with some teaching in that London for the National Academy of Writing meant that my wife and I were looking for something fun to do in the...

Time to get over it 5

Time to get over it

Well, ‘Something of the Night’ has gone to the typesetters, so soon I’ll be correcting the proofs. From now on in the process, changes have to be kept to a minimum, so I’ve had...

Looking for Albert (and Kate) 13

Looking for Albert (and Kate)

It’s a funny old world, and no mistake. This week I sent out a call on Facebook for help in my quest to get in touch with Kate Bush. I’m a long time fan;...

Sometime Around Midnight. 1

Sometime Around Midnight.

Today, I’m sitting around thinking about time. In our day, of course, time fell wanking to the floor, but was nevertheless on our side. Now it seems to gallop by. In horse racing terms,...

Yourself 15


I’ve been trying to work out for myself when people in call centres started calling customers ‘yourself’ and referring to themselves as ‘ourselves’ and asking at the end of calls ‘Is there anything more...

Moped Lads 0

Moped Lads

I’m not sure that I’m supposed to give away what future shows in the Radio Four series ‘The Completists‘ are actually about… but here’s some oblique clues as to the subject of the next...

In case of fire… 4

In case of fire…

I got a call today from a journalist on The Sunday Express, who wanted to talk about the series I’ve just done for Radio Four, which is called ‘The Completists’, and which starts on...

May your days… 7

May your days…

All the girls are here for Christmas, despite the snow. In fact, now we’re all here, and the supplies are in, and the shopping done, and the tree trimmed and the house looking fab...

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