Monthly Archive: May 2010



That’s how things are at the moment! Working like a dog on the new book, BCU, Radio Four, etc etc. , so no time to blog at present. But Spume writes to say that...


How I'm voting and why.

I imagine that followers of this blog will have guessed by now that I’m not voting New Labour. But here we are, the night before the election, and this will be the last of...


Vote Labour!

Driving to Kidderminster station today and listening to Today, I heard a report from the East London constituency of Barking about how Margaret Hodge is fighting off opposition from the BNP. A similar situation...


Sod The Lot

At the start of the election, I decided to blog something every day. And somehow, I’ve managed it, thus far. And most days I’ve managed to get riled up enough to have something to...


Hang ’em all

As readers of my blog during the election will probably have gathered, I’m not exactly a fan of New Labour. It’s not so much the erosion of civil liberties, the disastrous handling of the...

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