Monthly Archive: December 2010


May your days…

All the girls are here for Christmas, despite the snow. In fact, now we’re all here, and the supplies are in, and the shopping done, and the tree trimmed and the house looking fab...


I’d love a bit of Green

I enjoyed watching these two six sided squares discussing the legalisation of drugs today. In principle I’m with Bob Ainsworth, as you might imagine. There are so many great reasons for legalisation, I hardly...


We are Your Dad

Here’s a photo from our 2006 Las Vegas Comeback special. We’re still not sure how to upload clips from the show. We’re still working on it. But what you will find here is a...


Completing the Set

Just got a commision from Radio Four to make a series about people who’ve collected the whole set. That is to say, they’ve done every Airfix model, they’ve visited every League Football ground etc...

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