Newhaven Marine

6 Responses

  1. Ian Marchant says:

    Get better soon; and take the Newhaven Railway Oddyssey!

  2. Graham says:

    I was going to go along last weekend and take some snaps of all of Newhaven’s stations, including those either side of town, make a photo journal of the journey. But I was ill. So I didn’t. Maybe another time. Hope all is well, Ian.
    x Graham

  3. Ian Marchant says:

    I must say that I never knew it was there all the years I lived and worked in Newhaven, but that’s not really the point. It’s the institutional disingenuousness; they close stations and remove services by stealth, without telling passengers that they are doing so. There are proceedures which need to be followed, and although it’s highly unlikely that many Newhaven residents would object to the closing of Newhaven’s third railway station, and also highly unlikely that any foot passengers getting off the boat are unable to walk the three minutes to the Harbour station, Railtrack are a publicly owned body, who need to be publicly accountable for what they do. Newhaven Marine today, Heart of Wales line tomorrow…

  4. Graham says:

    One major problem with Newhaven Marine Sation being that very few locals know it exists and even if they did they would probably have no need whatsoever to use it.
    And dear old Norman, although he has done some very good work regarding the murder of Dr David Kelly, which will forever be one more stain upon Blair and his legacy, is the eternal Local Politician.
    I was once at a meeting with him when he was the leader of the District Council. A discussion developed between Norm and the then Town Centre Manager regarding which of them was to be credited in the minutes with having ordered the felling of a very nice Eucalyptus tree in order to clear the field of vision of a CCTV camera which could only see the by then deserted stretch of Chapel Street below the precinct. A fierce debate between the two claimed at least half an hour of our precious time, and Norm prevailed.
    Now we have a wrecked economy, a totally corrupted parliament, there’s nowt but crap on the telly and Norm’s worried about Newhaven Marine Railway Station (deceased).
    Local democracy in action. It makes you want to soil your pants.

  5. Ian Marchant says:

    No, I don’t think so… anyway, we can have tea with my Mum after. That’ll save expenses.

  6. Martin says:

    As a licence payer, I think it more appropriate that you take the replacement walking option. Perhaps what is saved from your fare could be put towards saving 6 Music?

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