John Fairfax
I’ve just heard the sad news that John Fairfax, co-founder of the Arvon Foundation, died over the weekend.
When I was Co-Centre Director (with Monique Roffey) of the Arvon centre at Totleigh Barton, I had the pleasure of meeting him on several occasions. He was a great man, probably better known as a teacher than as a poet. He told me that he was the last man to be imprisoned for conscientious objection, because of his refusal to do his National Service during the Korean War. He talked about what his great ancestor, the founder of The New Model Army would have thought of this. (The picture of Sir Thomas Fairfax in the kitchen at Totleigh recalls this association, incidentally). I think Sir Thomas would have been very proud.
Here’s a song for Mr. Fairfax.
thanks ian
we are putting together a cd of music and his words for the funeral