Funeral for a friend

6 Responses

  1. Graham says:

    Dan, I thank you. I don’t watch Top Gear either, but I have a son who does.

  2. Dan says:

    Graham – in fact that is the point James May makes regulalry (about Oz) – so at least that is recognised. The prog is pretty lightweight, but does have some amusing moments. James May is, IMHO, the acceptable face of Top Gear (but only just)

  3. Graham says:

    I haven’t watched Oz’n’James. Because I always find that Oz invests booze with too much anthropomorphic baggage. It’s booze. It can’t be chheky or sullen.
    The programme probably is a rip off of Longest Crawl though.
    Ian, your comment has been commented upon.

  4. Dan says:

    Thinking of pubs – I was starting to wonder the other day if the TV sereis ‘Oz and James’ drinking tour of Britain’ or whatever it is called – is a bit of a rip off of The Longest Crawl, although I must say the Longest Crawl is a darn site more interesting, and almost certainly more witty!

  5. Graham Southgate says:

    Hello Ian, I do enjoy a good funeral. Prefer them to weddings actually. Probably because they are usually for keeps. And somehow, there is something romantic and touching about ugly industrial architecture at such times. I don’t know why.

  6. Dru says:

    Talking daemonic fumes, here’s a link to a photograph taken near Didcot power station.

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