Category: Radio


On the Top Deck Three

A long long day followed by a short Parallel Lines-y link-y post. Down to Brissol today to record voice links for the Radio Four doco ‘On The Top Deck’, which goes out at 11am...


Calling Hazel Blears

Went down to that London again today, to do some more recording for the forthcoming Radio Four programme ‘On The Top Deck’. We went to interview a senior Labour MP in his office, who,...


Top Deck Two

Thursday started just like Monday; the drive to Leominster in darkness to catch the train down to Newport, and then onto London in the company of hard-working business people tapping frantically into their laptops...


Top Deck

A long day in Middlesex recording a radio programme about kids going mental on the top decks of buses after school. If you’ve never bimbled round Greenford on a bus full of teenagers kissing...

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